Thursday, November 04, 2004

hard day

Today was a very hard and emotional day for me... Started this morning at work. One of my moms closests friends came into my work today.. it has been ages since i saw her.. i saw her husband at my moms funeral in May but she had been out of town and couldn't get back... She started tearing up and held her hand to her heart and told me how sorry she was of mom's passing... so what do i do... i start crying as well and the whole day has been spent full of tears... Everything is hitting me today.. I know God is here for me to help me through things.. but in 8 days my mother will have been gone 6 months.. i can't believe it has been that long.. it doesn't seem like it at all.. and it feels like our whole family is falling apart and there is nothing i can do about it... Looking back it seems mom held our family together and there is nothing left.. even with how my past was with her.. i still loved her and forgave her.. i get so mad at her for leaving us... anyway.. i'm sorry to show my weaknesses but i just dont know what else to do... Jenny


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