a young girl i work with
There is a young girl that i work with that is 18 yrs old who for some reason her and i started talking last night and she started opening up to me.. i wasn't pushing her to talk but i did ask her little questions when she did start talking.. she knew nothing about my groups that i have online here and she knew nothing of my past.. but somehow we got on the subject of her and she told me how she was raped when she was 9 yrs old.. She then started willingly having sex when she was 11yrs old.. this child because to me she is still a child is very grown up now for her age.. she also went on to tell me how she is dating a 32 yr old now.. she has been sexually active since she was 11 and she is still very much active.. through out our conversation which it was her doing most of the talking... i would ask little questions.. by the time we were done telling me she was sorry for opening up so much.. she told me she didn't understand what it was that made her start talking but that she had only ever told her mother about what all that had happened... i feel honored that she felt she could open up to me.. and i did give her some little advice.. told her what i felt was wrong.. or what i would have done as a parent.. just little things to keep her talking.. I wrote down the link to my main group for her and gave her my ids on here just in case she couldn't find the group and told her that she is more then welcome joining my groups.. i didn't push nothing on her... i won't do that.. i will let her talk at her pace.. to me she really needs to start talking about this more so that she will begin to respect herself and take time away from having sex and learning to know herself and how she truely can be... she's a good kid.. does well in school i'm told.. she keeps a steady job.. but i also know how i was.. i know that i did well working too and then all of a sudden things just dropped out on me for a while and i spent alot of time drinking and running around... she doesn't drink alot she says but she does do some drinking.. i can only ask that when you read this you say a prayer for this young girl so that she can keep her life on track and that she will take time to just be with herself and learn to respect herself and be her own person.. she is looking for love in men and she is looking for the wrong love.. the love of our Father in heaven is an everlasting love... physical love with a man is not.. thanks for listening.. prayers and luv. .Jenny
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